Monday, 10 May 2010

The Dark Force Returns: Star Wars in Contemporary Art

The dark force is incredibly strong this spring. Following the hype around Agan harahap’s photoshopped political photos featuring Darth Vader and famous comic book heroes, more interesting works surface in the recent months, such as paintings by the Jacksonville-based James Hance and a project with drawings and installations that put together Star Wars and Sadaam Hussein. American political artist Michael Rakowitz explores the links between American science fiction and military activities in Iraq on a grander scale including fictional story, drawings and a centre piece of installation. 

The Gentle Sith II

Young Stormtroopers In Love - Part II

Michael Rakowitz, The worst condition is to pass under a sword which is not one's own, 2009. Installation view at Lombard-Freid Projects, NY.

Michael Rakowitz, Victory Arch 2009, plastic toys, books, wood, foam, plaster 8'x18'5. Part of The worst condition is to pass under a sword which is not one's own, installation view at Tate Modern, exhibited between Jan 22 - May 3 2010

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